The ACSUG’s bylaws delegate all duties related to issuance of reports, evaluations, certifications, and accreditations to the CGIACA, which is its highest assessment body.
The membership of the CGIACA is as follows:
Miguel Angel Santos Rego, catedrático de teoría y historia de la educación de la universidad de Santiago de Compostela.
María Belén Bande Vilela, catedrática de comercialización e investigación de mercados da Universidade de Santiago de Compostela. Vogal académica.
Carlos Vázquez Cendón, catedrático de matemática aplicada de la Universidad de A Coruña. Vocal académica
María José Domínguez Vázquez, catedrática de filoloxía alemana da Universidade de Santiago de Compostela. Vogal académica.
Emilio Martín Gutiérrez, profesor titular de mecánica dos medios continuos e teoría de estruturas da Universidade da Coruña. Vogal académico.
María Paloma Morán Martínez, catedrática de genética de la Universidad de Vigo . Vocal académica.
Inmaculada Anaya Revuelta, profesora titular de lengua española de la Universidad de Vigo. Vocal académico.
Sandra María Martínez Gómez, alumna de grado de la Universidad de Vigo, vocal nombrada en representación del alumnado del Sistema Universitario de Galicia (SUG)
Fernando Barros Fornos, ecónomo diocesano de Santiago de Compostela. Vogal en representación do ámbito profesional e empresarial galego.
J. Eduardo López Pereira, Director de ACSUG. Vogal con voz e sen voto.
Francisco Rico Rey, Técnico de ACSUG. Secretario de la CGIACA, con voz y sin voto.
The members of the CGIACA act with full independence and express only their own individual opinions, with an absence of any conflicts of interest being guaranteed at all times. They are also subject to the legislation in force on the subject of incompatibilities.
Resolutions passed by the CGIACA finalise the administrative claim process. When resolutions are being adopted in relation to evaluations, accreditations, or individual reports on members of university teaching staff, only the members from the academic and scientific communities participate, and both the Secretary and Director of ACSUG attend the meetings with the right to speak but not vote.
In order to perform the duties assigned to it by the legislation in force, the CGIACA must approve its own operating rules as well as the various procedures and protocols used in relation to evaluations, reports, certifications, and accreditations, whenever appropriate.
In order to exercise its duties, the CGIACA may agree to establish committees made up of expert advisors, with the membership of those committees and the requirements and procedures for appointing them being determined by the CGIACA’s system of operation.