In its first strategic axis, "Management of Talent", the Galician Plan for Research, Innovation, and Growth (the I2C Plan) recognizes the need for activities supporting careers in research. These activities include the Program for Support at the Post-Doctoral Stage.
The purpose of this program is to increase the incorporation of research personnel into Galicia's R&D and innovation system, by promoting international mobility at an early stage in order to improve the level of training for these researchers and to make their reincorporation into the Galician University System (SUG in Spanish) possible.
There are two types of post-doctoral assistance defined:
Modality A:One of the actions proposed in order to achieve these objectives consists of expanding the training of research personnel who hold doctoral degrees by providing funding, by common agreement among the three SUG universities, for a contract supporting a stay of 2 years in a foreign country and then a 1-year stay at an SUG university after returning.
Modality B: This action provides researchers with access to a 1-year contract, with the purpose of continuing the training of personnel who have received a place at an SUG university as part of the Ángeles Alvariño program under the Incite Plan (2007 or 2009 calls for applications). These researchers remain at their university until completing their 24-month stay, in accordance with the specifics of the call.
Evaluation of applications will take place for each field of study and thematic area indicated in the call for applications, in accordance with the assessments performed by a team of evaluators made up of experts from outside of the SUG and with the collaboration of the ACSUG. The results of this evaluation will be taken into account by the selection committee as determined in the call for applications, which will forward their proposed decision to the head of the Council for Culture, Education, and University Planning, which is the entity that will make the final award decisions for this funding.