Article 10.b) of the Order of the Council for Education and University Planning of September 17, 2009 establishes that the Galician Committee for Reports, Evaluations, Certifications, and Accreditations (CGIACA), in accordance with the powers conferred to it by means of the first final provision of Decree 270/2003 of May 22, in its revised text established by Decree 326/2009 of June 11, as well as in article 23.2 of the statutes on the Agency for Quality in the Galician University System, will approve the procedures and protocols that correspond to issuance of reports and evaluations, in accordance with the provisions established in its statutes and in any other applicable regulations.
Along these lines, the cited Committee approved the corresponding protocol for reporting and evaluation prior to hiring of collaborating professors by means of an agreement of November 2, 2010.