• The ACSUG actively collaborates on a variety of evaluation processes in relation to research funding.

Funding for the consolidation of research units

The Ministry of Culture, Education, Vocational Training and Universities and the Ministry of Economy, Industry and Innovation approve the bases for access, in a competitive concurrence regime, to the aid of the Program for the consolidation and structuring of research units in the modalities of groups of competitive reference, groups with growth potential and research staff projects with an excellent track record.

Competitive reference groups: They are characterized by good rates of academic publications; a high level of fundraising, although variable depending on the area in which they work; competitive at the state level and in many cases internationally; with the capacity to train and attract young researchers and accustomed to cooperation with other research groups, with institutions or with companies. They are grants for the consolidation of SUG research groups that, due to their scientific production and R&D activity, constitute a reference in the Galician Innovation System.

Groups with growth potential: These are groups that, without reaching the levels of development of the previous ones, have research quality, verified with strict criteria, and are on the path that elevates them to being reference groups.

Researchers with an excellent track record: Researchers who, having an excellent track record, have to consolidate a line of work based on high-impact projects, mainly national and international.

The selection of the proposals for the aid is made based on the sum of the evaluations made by a panel of expert assessors from outside the Galician R&D System and by the selection commission.

The evaluation process is carried out by the Agency for the Quality of the Galician University System (ACSUG).

The competence to decide the awarding of aid corresponds to the head of the Ministry of Culture, Education and University Planning or the Ministry of Economy, Employment and Industry, respectively.

Renewal: The aid will be applicable for a period of two annual installments, extendable for the other two.

Final evaluation: All aid beneficiaries may be submitted to a final evaluation within a period of 6 months counted from the deadline for justifying the last annuity.

2017 External Assesment Panel (for awarding)

2018 External Assesment Panel (for awarding - Ministry of Industry)

2018 External Asesment Panel (for renewal)

2018 External Assesment Panel (final evaluation: Ministry of Culture)

2019 External Assesment Panel

2020 External Asseesment Panel (for awarding)

2020 External Assesment Panel (for awarding)

2021 External Assesment Panel (for awarding)

2021 External Assesment Panel (for renewal)

2021 External Assesment Panel (final evaluation)

2022 External Assesment Panel (for awarding)

2022 External Assesment Panel (for renewal)

2022 External Assesment Panel (final evaluation)