
Presentation of the publication “Labor market insertion of Galician University System graduates 2010-2011”. On Friday 11TH December at 11:00 hours at the ACSUG.


On Friday 11th December at 11:00 hours in the ACSUG will be presented the ACSUG´s publication: “LABOR MARKET INSERTION OF GALICIAN UNIVERSITY SYSTEM GRADUATES 2010-2011”. This presentation will be made by Consellería de Cultura, Educación e Ordenación Universitaria, president of the ACSUG board of Directors and ACSUG Director.

ACSUG is now presenting the publication of its “Labor Market Insertion Study for Graduates of the Galician University System 2010-2011”, as the latest release in its series of labor market insertion studies produced for graduates of the Galician University System, which compiles the results obtained from the ninth survey given to graduates from the SUG universities, performed in December 2013. The survey sample in this most recent study represents approximately 55% of the total population of graduates, including 5,114 in undergraduate and master’s level studies (diplomas, bachelor’s degrees, engineering and architecture degrees, and technical engineering and architecture degrees). This study also includes for the first time graduates from new European Higher Education Area (EHEA) undergraduate degree programs, and in the present report we can now discuss a small representation of the first cohorts of graduates from these EHEA-adapted academic programs. However, most of these graduates started out in earlier undergraduate and post-graduate programs and later completed a bridge year to obtain a degree under this new system.

The primary objectives of this study coincide with the previous studies performed by the ACSUG on the same subject, and this report is structured into two main themes: collection of information on the graduates’ perceptions on their education and their university; and collection of information on their search for employment and their current situation in the workplace.

2015's call for the application of compensation bonuses for recognition of curriculum excellence in teaching and research


By means of the Resolution of october 19, 2015 (Official Journal of Galicia (DOG) of december 10, 2015), the ordinary call for the application of compensation bonuses for recognition of curriculum excellence in teaching and research was approved and the period for submittal of requests was opened.

Submission's deadline:  January 9, 2016.

2015's call for the application of compensation bonuses for recognition of administrative positions


By means of the Resolution of october 16, 2015 (Official Journal of Galicia (DOG) of december 10, 2015) the ordinary call for the application of compensation bonuses  for recognition of administrative positions was approved and the period for submittal of requests was opened.

Submission's deadline: January 9, 2016.

2015's call for the application of compensation bonuses for recognition of teaching and/or research work


By means of the Resolution of october 15 2015, (Official Journal of Galicia (DOG) of december 10, 2015) the ordinary call for the application of compensation bonuses for recognition of teaching and/or research work was approved and the period for submittal of requests was opened.

Submission's deadline: January 9, 2016


ACSUG takes part in the 10th European Quality Assurance Forum (EQAF) in London


The ACSUG has participated in the 10th European Quality Assurance Forum (EQAF), which it has been organized from the 19 to 21 November 2015 in London. The EQAF is an annual forum where the stakeholders, including students, universities, university quality assurance agencies, etc. can exchange experiences in higher education.

Report on the status of external quality evaluations in Spanish universities 2014


The National Quality Assurance and Accreditation Agency (ANECA) and the quality assurance agencies from Spain's Autonomous Communities have published the report on the status of external quality evaluations in Spanish universities, corresponding to the year 2014.

The report presented here is the eighth in a series of reports that began in 2007 for the Ministry of Education with the primary objective of reporting on the development of the processes of evaluation, certification and accreditation in Spain in the field of higher education

View report.

FIDES-AUDIT programme. Certification phase of the implementation of the QMS


On this date, the call for requests was published for educational centres to participate in the certification process on the Implementation of Quality Management System.Applications will be accepted from 26 October through 26 November 2015.

Universities interested should cover the application for participation.

The ACSUG takes part in the ECA joint programmes training in Colonia


On 21 and 22 September 2015, the First Joint Programmes Training Seminar was organized by the European Consortium for Accreditation (ECA) in Cologne (Germany). One representative of ACSUG attended the seminar, which it was focused especially on the "European Approach for Quality Assurance of Joint Programmes" adopted by the EHEA Ministers in Yerevan in May 2015. A case study about the accreditation of a European Joint Master’s in Strategic Border Management was used.

5th Call for Implementation of the DOCENTIA Program at the University of A Coruña


Seminar directed towards Evaluation Committees

On October 14th a training seminar will be held at the ACSUG, directed towards members of Evaluation Committees (teachers & students) who are participating in the 5th Call for Implementation of the DOCENTIA Program at the University of A Coruña. The objectives of this seminar are: to inform the committee members of the current status of the DOCENTIA Program in Galicia and in Spain; to present the contents of the University of A Coruña teaching activity evaluation manual in detail; and to familiarize the participants with the computer application designed by the ACSUG for carrying out this program.

The ACSUG environmental management has recognized by the European Commission


In 2015, to celebrate the 20th anniversary of the starting of the registers in the environmental management EMAS, the European Commission issued to ACSUG the Bronze Certificate. This certificate is issued to those organizations with 5 years included in the EMAS register, recognizing its contribution to the environment continuous improvement.

Publication expert advisory committees - Evaluation prior to hiring 2015


Given the powers granted by the applicable regulations, the Galician Commission for Reports, Evaluation, Certification and Accreditation (CGIACA) published the composition of expert advisory committees established pursuant to the notice published on 2 March 2015 (DOG of 30 April 2015), on prior assessment of teachers hired for the University System of Galicia.

Meetings in ACSUG with the Vice-rectorates of Degrees and Quality Departments of the Galician Universities


On 23 June and 10 July 2015, the Vice-rectorates of Degrees and Quality Departments of the Galician Universities have been called by ACSUG to two meetings regarding the following issues:

  • Verification of official degrees
  • Monitoring of official degrees
  • Renewal of the accreditation of official degrees: schedule for the 2015/2016 and 2016/2017 academic years.
  • FIDES-AUDIT Programme: Design of the Internal Quality Assurance Systems (IQAS) and Certification Guidelines.

ACSUG takes part in the EDUCA Tempus Project


ACSUG, aware of the importance of establish relations and contacts with other organizations, has decided taking part actively in the TEMPUS IV project “Modernization and Development of Curricula on Pedagogy and Educational Management in the Central Asian Countries (EDUCA)", coordinated by the Otto-von-Guericke-University Magdeburg (OvGU).

With this aim, ACSUG has participated during 2015 in the project in two different activities: site visit to university centres of three Asia Central countries and online assessment of the curriculum of four university programs in pedagogy.

Presentation of the publication "Study of Labour Market Insertion of Galician University System Master’s Degree Graduates 2007-2008, 2008-2009 and 2009-2010"


The presentation of the publication: " Study of Labour Market Insertion of Galician University System Master’s Degree Graduates 2007-2008, 2008-2009 and 2009-2010” took place on Monday, 01 June at 13:00 at the headquarters of the ACSUG. The event was attended by the Regional Minister of Culture, Education and University Planning, and the president and the director of ACSUG.

This publication is part of the series of studies on the job opportunities for university graduates in the Galician University System conducted periodically since 2001 by the ACSUG. With the new structure of current undergraduate, master's and doctoral degree programmes, it is essential to have information on the employment of holders of master's degrees. Therefore, in 2013, the Agency initiated this new project, expanding the field of study to master graduates in the SUG, becoming the first agency nationwide to perform an analysis of this type.

The main objective of this report is to provide information on graduates of master's degrees in the SUG, so that the results will contribute to improving the quality of university education offered to prospective students. The information collected includes the following topics: ratings on organizational aspects and development of the master’s programme, analysis of the main motivation to study master's degrees and ratings on work experience, before and after the completion of the master.

The ACSUG has renewed the certifications until 2018 of its Quality and Environmental Assurance Management System according the standards ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and EMAS regulation.


The company AENOR has carried out in January 2015 the external renewal audit of the ACSUG management system. As a result, ACSUG has achieved the renewal until 2018, of the certifications in the standards ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and the Eco-Management and Audit Scheme (EMAS). AENOR is a member of the IQNet, and because of this the certifications achieved by ACSUG are recognized internationally.

ACSUG takes part in the ENQA members’ forum 2015 in Córdoba


On 16 and 17 April 2015, the 5th Members' Forum of the European Association for Quality Assurance in Higher Education (ENQA) was organized in Córdoba. The ACSUG director attended this meeting in which important topics related with the association were discussed. During the meeting, the results of a working group in which ACSUG is participating were presented.

Evaluation of faculties in the University Andina Néstor Cáceres Velásquez, Juliaca, Perú


ACSUG has carried out an evaluation and certification process of the Accounting Professional Academic Program, in the Faculty of Accounting Sciences of the University Andina Néstor Cáceres Velásquez (UANCV), Juliaca, Perú. The ACSUG Director D. Eduardo López Pereira, attended the UANCV academic course opening act and he made the starting conference. Then he issued the program accreditation certificate to the academic authorities, leaded by the Sr. Rector, D. Víctor Julio Huamán Meza. EXPAND NEW

ACSUG organized a training seminar for representatives of the Néstor Cáceres Velásquez Andean University (Perú)


In November 2012, the Néstor Cáceres Velásquez Andean University (UANCV) from Perú and the Agency for Quality Assurance in the Galician University System (ACSUG) have signed an agreement by means of which the ACSUG will carry out evaluation and certification activities at the university as part of a program to establish and to improve a quality assurance system there.

Regarding this agreement, the 20th February 2015, a training seminar for 30 representatives of the UANCV has been organized. During the seminar, firstly a summary of the evaluation activities carried out by ACSUG was presented and finally an explanation about the international evaluation processes that ACSUG develops was exposed.


Program for the renewal of the accreditation of official degrees: Phase III


ACSUG initiates the third phase of the Program for the renewal of the accreditation of official degrees (2004-2015's call). Visits to the 15 centers of the three universities that have applied for renewal of accreditation of 28 degrees will be performed. The visits will take place between March 16 and April 28, 2015.

External data protection audit


On 6 February 2015, the consulting company LOPDAT carried out in the ACSUG an external audit regarding the ACSUG fulfilment of the current requirements in data protection. The results of the audit conclude that the ACSUG conducts adequate management and has implemented all necessary measures related to data security and protection: files registered in the Data Protection Spanish Agency (AEPD), backup protocol, documents and systems support management, access control and password procedures, etc.

Publication about "Evaluation guidelines for the quality improvement of the university degrees and centres"


The ACSUG, since its creation in 2001, has been increasing the scope of its evaluation processes. Regarding these activities, the ACSUG has developed a great number of evaluation guidelines, that now are compiled in one document, to make easier its use and consultation.
See publication

Conference on Quality Assurance in Higher Arts Education


On Thursday January 22, 2015 will be held at the ACSUG a conference on Quality Assurance in Higher Arts Education, as a starting point fo the agreement signed last November 29, 2014, between ACSUG and theConsellería de Cultura, Educación y Ordenación Universitaria  of the Xunta de Galicia for Monitoring and Quality Assurance in Higher Art Education.

Program for the renewal of the accreditation of official degrees: Phase II


ACSUG initiates the second phase of the Program for the renewal of the accreditation of official degrees (2004-2015's call). Visits to the 12 centers of the three universities that have applied for renewal of accreditation of 25 degrees will be performed. The visits will take place between January 19 and February 25, 2015.