Resolution issued by the President of the ACSUG, agreeing to allow access to forms at the web portal for procedures ED701B and ED701C

By means of the Resolution of 22 April 2020 issued by the President of the ACSUG, it has been agreed to maintain operability of the standardised forms available at the government of Galicia’s web portal, for as long as the state of alarm remains in force. This will allow submission of applications for procedures ED701B (salary bonuses for recognition of teaching work and research work) and ED701C (salary bonuses for recognition of administrative positions).

Access to the application forms for procedures ED701B and ED701C has been initiated at the government of Galicia’s online portal, so that those interested in applying can continue to submit their applications during the state of alarm, but without this representing continuation of the procedure.

Counting of the time periods for those procedures will be restarted at the time when the state of the alarm or any extensions made to it are no longer in force.