ACSUG took part in “XIII Congreso Galego de Estatística e Investigación de Operacións” at the University of A Coruña in Ferrol, organized by Sociedade Galega para a Promoción da Estatística e da Investigación de Operacións (SGAPEIO)

ACSUG attended the “XIII Congreso Galego de Estatística e Investigación de Operacións”, which took place on 26th, 27th and 28th of October at the University of A Coruña in the Esteiro Campus in Ferrol.

The purpose of these event, which usually celebrating every two years, was to inform people about the most recent results in Statistics and Operations Research. During the programme there were different activities, such as, conferences, a panel discussion, training and presentations, where ACSUG contributed with two poster presentations titled: “Mobilidade e coñecemento de idiomas dos titulados no Sistema Universitario de Galicia nos cursos 2011-2012 e 2012-2013” and “A inserción laboral dos titulados en Máster: motivación e valoración do título”.

These poster presentations included the last results about the labour market insertion studies of the research carried out by the Agency. The first presentation was about mobility programs and knowledge of languages of Bachelor’s degree graduates from academic years 2011-2012 and 2012-2013. On the other hand, the second presentation was regarding the assessment of the master’s degree graduates. The students gave their opinions on different aspects of the master’s program, such as program, competencies, teaching staff, coordination, and thesis of the master. Finally, date was analyzed to find out why students chose to study a master.