• Agency for Quality Assurance in the Galician University System

ACSUG Review Committee

In compliance with the stipulations of the criteria and guidelines for quality assurance in the European Higher Education Area (ESG), approved by the Conference of Ministers held in Yerevan on May 14 and 15, 2015, the Galician Commission for Reports, Evaluation, Certification and Accreditation (CGIACA), in its meeting of December 17, 2021, agreed on the creation of the Review Committee, as well as the approval of the protocol for the resolution of claims and complaints filed with ACSUG, within the scope of the functions of issuing reports, evaluation, certification and accreditation attributed to it, published by the resolution of February 4, 2022 (DOG of 15. 02.22).

In accordance with the provisions of article 4 of the referred protocol, the CGIACA appointed, at its meeting of May 5, 2022, the following members of the Review Committee:


